Why we do it
We left the hustle and bustle of New York in spring 2021 and bought a rare piece of untouched land at the Florida / Georgia border. We realized the food overlords in the USA were intentionally poisoning us all, and we were done participating. Food should not need to have the word organic in front of its name to be safe to eat. Now the word is so lightly used, even that isn’t credible.
What is credible? Knowing your farmer. Knowing the specific practices they used on the animal you are eating. Knowing the ground beef you are eating came from one animal, who lived on grass, in the sun, as God intended.
More info about our on farm practices is available below.
Thank you for taking the time to view our website. Come visit us at the farm!
-KellyAnne & Frank

The Earth is a gift from God and we as humans have the responsibility to care for it with respect.
As stewards of the land, our practices reflect this commitment to nurture and protect:
Our cattle are always on pasture. They are never barn kept and are rotated seasonally. Cover crop rotation has just begun in September 2024.
Our pastures are fertilized with pasteurized organic chicken manure, no chemicals ever.
All weed control of the pastures is hand pulled or Contact Organics weed killer. Nothing else ever.
Our hay is sourced from two farms within 10 miles. We feed Bermuda coastal that is pesticide free year round. It comes from a neighboring farm. In the winter we feed fermented perennial peanut hay, as we find the high protein and fermented benefits are worth the cost.
As a supplement to whatever they forage, our pigs, chickens and dairy herds are fed certified NGMO grains with nutritional rations made by Fertrell; the leader in organic minerals and supplements. All our feeds are soy free, pesticide free, hexane free, and mixed by Triple M Farms in Lebanon, PA just days prior to shipment to us. To our knowledge, there is not a more nutrient dense whole grain feed available today. We also provide access to these feeds to the local farming community.
We breed Wagyu, Angus, and Jersey cattle, Nigerian dwarf and Nubian goats, Berkshire and Meishan pigs, Babydoll sheep and Maremma sheep dogs. The animals are never vaccinated, medicated, provided with hormones or chemicals.
About our Beef
All beef for sale through the shopping cart is USDA processed at a local facility and is custom cut to our specification. It’s always vacuum packed and shipped on dry ice. For full, half and quarter cow shares, please contact us for more information.
Most beef is Wagyu / Angus cross, known to most steak lovers as American Wagyu. We do have a small quantity of other crosses and rarely a full blood Wagyu. Contact us for more information or to get on a waiting list.
Our beef is 100% grain free. For most of their lives, our cattle eat only grass and hay. We have a proprietary grain free finishing process that we believe distinguishes our product from most grass fed/grass finished beef on the market. For 90 days prior to butchering, the steer is supplemented with our mix of alfalfa meal, black oil sunflower meal, peas, kelp, molasses, Fertrell mineral supplement and Redmond’s real salt. If the cow is not ready after the 90 days, we keep the finishing process going until it is ready. The result is a more marbled, tender grain free beef.
All our beef is dry aged 14-17 days before butchering. We dry age the beef whole, we find this provides the best balance of tenderness and enhanced flavor of the high quality beef while also avoiding the over aged taste some may not prefer. If you are interested in a cow share and prefer not to have it dry aged, we can accommodate your request.
We do all of these things at a heavy cost. But the result is a superior tasting, nutrient dense meat. Healthy beef does not have to be a let down…We will prove it to you.